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(Nursing) Stroke training module
Almoosa Specialist Hospital
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Instructor: Mohamed Alameddine

(Nursing) Stroke training module

strokeCourse Description: 

Based on AHA studies stroke is No. 2 cause of death in the world and a leading cause of serious disability. Early treatment of stroke can limit brain damage and greatly improve outcomes. The course is designed to equip and enable Almoosa Specialist Hospital (ASH) caregivers with the evidence-based knowledge and skills to formulate a diagnosis and management plan for stroke cases as well as complications of stroke.


The aim of this course is to: 

1- Develop the knowledge and skills needed by caregivers when caring for patients suffering from stroke 

2- Enhance caregivers with required knowledge while performing patient as well as family education


 1- Identify stroke at the early stage using the latest guidelines for stroke diagnosis 

2- Demonstrate evidence-based management of stroke

3- Practice comprehensive care including supportive therapy in stroke

4- Perform appropriate patient as well as family teaching for patients suffering from stroke

5- Plan secondary prevention interventions for stroke patients.

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